This Cabal Online bot is simply a "killing" bot it basically attacks everything that is yellow. It has a fun way of getting stuck sometimes so follow the bot with your eyes. This bot is written in Java, and is compiled by Eclipse. This is the safest bot out there, there is no possible way to get noticed using this, except if you get reported or something.
For this bot it is somewhat required that you know a little Java. You need to be able to read code. This project was compiled in Eclipse. I will also give a link to the compiled files. Run Cabal_robot.class if you have the compiled project. If you don't know how to run the compiled classes in Java please use google. I haven't tested the compiled files but the source files work fine when debugging. Try it out and tell me if you like it or not.
The only resolutions i have tested is 1600x1200, 1200x720, 1024x768 and 800x600. It should work with any resolution.
Key 1: Spell / Skill
Key 2: Spell / Skill
Key 3: Spell / Skill
Key 4: Spell / Skill
Key 5: Spell / Skill
Key 6: Spell / Skill
Key 7: Spell / Skill
Key 8: Spell / Skill
Key 9: Spell / Skill
Key 0: Spell / Skill
Num 0: Health Potion - Change this in the options menu of the game.
Step by step guide:
1. Download JDK (Java Development Kit) - Java SE Development Kit 7u2 Downloads
-Install it lol.
2. Download Eclipse for Java - Eclipse IDE for Java Developers | Eclipse Packages
3. Download the file included in this thread. And extract the contents where ever you like.
3. Start Eclipse and import the Project you just downloaded into the workspace - File -> import.
4. When your Project is open in Eclipse press the "bug" or the "play" button.
5. Start Cabal online using bypass. PERFECT GUIDE TO CABAL SPEEDHACK
6. Select the resolution you want to have in the bottom of the "Cabal Robot" window. Then click Apply Resolution.
7. Use skills from key 1 to num key 0 as described earlyer.
8. Look at the casting time of each spell from key 1 to key 0 and write them in the designated spots in the "Cabal Robot" window.
9. Press "Start Cabal Robot" Button, and see the magic happen.
10. If there are any bugs, please report them. I will try to fix them if i can.
Video install guide:
Cabal Online Robot - Super Alpha v 0.2 - Set up guide! - YouTube
Error Handling:
-If the mouse won't move on screen or skills won't cast. This is probably because you aren't running the game using a bypass, or possibly because you aren't using a dual screen.
- The Cabal Robot window keeps telling me "Health not found", this means that the bot cant find your health and assumes that you need to take a health potion. Remember to change the health potion key binding to "Num 0". Other possibility is that it bugged out. Try using another resolution.